StrategicEncounter TM (SE)

... a battle between the light and dark forces

Start Playing-Basics


       On each move the referee announces all possible captures that can be made with Pawns. There are two variations in announcing Pawn tries. In one option, the exact number of ways captures can be made with Pawns is announced, (Referee announces, “3 Pawn Tries”). In the other option, only the fact Pawn tries exit is announced, (Referee announces, “Pawn Try”). Figure 3 illustrates a Three Pawn Try case.

Figure 3. PAWN TRY OPTIONS. White has 3 Pawn Tries.
The left Pawn can capture the Rook and the right Pawn can capture the Black Pawn or Bishop.

       The two White Pawns have 3 ways of capturing Black chesspieces. The left White Pawn may capture the Black Rook, while the right White Pawn may capture the Black Pawn or Black Bishop. In the first option an announcement of “3 Pawn Tries” would be made to indicate White has three ways to capture with its Pawns. In the second option the announcement of “Pawn Try” would be made.

       A Pawn Try will not be announced if the move by the Pawn would place its King in check. In other words, a Pawn Try will not be announced if the Pawn move is illegal. When a Pawn Try announcement occurs, a player is given 3 attempts to capture. If the player is unsuccessful in three attempts, the player will no longer be allowed to capture with any of their Pawns on that move. If an additional attempt is made, an announcement of , “ERROR – Only 3 Attempts Allowed”. Players are never required to capture with a Pawn following a Pawn Try announcement. The announcement should only be treated as additional information.


      On advancing to the last (8th) horizontal row, a Pawn is promoted to a Queen or Rook. In StrategicEncounter as in chess, the Pawn may be promoted to a Queen, Rook, Bishop or Knight. There are two variations in Pawn promotions. In one option, an announcement is made to indicate the promotion (“Pawn Promotion by White/Black”). In the other option, no announcement is made.