StrategicEncounter TM (SE)

... a battle between the light and dark forces


StrategicEncounter (SE) is a strategy game comprising the elements of numerous games and life experiences. It requires the analysis performed in detective work, the skill of bluffing in poker, the planning and analysis in bridge, and the strategy performed by military personnel during battlefield conflicts.

A StrategicEncounter game can generate the same level of excitement and stimulation found in thrill movies and sudden death playoffs. This occurs because StrategicEncounter includes many characteristics found in exciting movies and real life dramas, such as, the unknown, the invisible enemy, inadequate protection, time and place of next attack, bluffing, etc.

StrategicEncounter Board

At first glance, StrategicEncounter appears to be a computerized chess game played on two separate computers. It is true StrategicEncounter uses standard chess pieces that move in accordance with most of the rules of chess, but the game strategy is very different.

StrategicEncounter is a strategy game where the exact position and strength of the enemy is known only at the beginning of the game. As the game unfolds, the location and strength of the enemy must be determined through analysis. The game is similar to real life dramas where invisible threats and limited information require decisions based on one‘s best analysis of the current situation.

The game is played on two computers over the Internet or local network each displaying a chessboard and chess pieces. Each computer referees the game by making announcements to the players. In spite of the game‘s physical appearance the game is not a form of “blind” chess. It is a strategy game presided over by a computer referee. The referee acts as the players‘ eyes and ears; providing them with valuable information concerning the position and strength of their enemy. For example, if a player attempts to move a Rook over several squares and the referee announces “NO”, the player is alerted that an enemy is present and is blocking the move or the move would place the King in check. This and other announcements aid the players in determining the position and strength of their enemy.

Unlike chess, a few careless moves will not necessarily result in loss of the game - the Opponent is not always aware of the mistakes. The player with the best overall strategy usually wins the game and a few poorly planned moves will normally have little or no affect on the final outcome. StrategicEncounter includes timed games, where each player has a certain amount of time to analyze battlefield information, execute moves, and complete the game.

List of Terms

Kriengspiel is game of regular Chess without either player ever seeing the opponent's moves or pieces.
StrategicEncounter is a version of Kriengspiel developed by Leston Newbill that is played with two computer over a network. The game uses standard chess pieces that move in accordance with most of the rules of chess, but the game strategy is different because the Opponent's moves are hidden from view. Each player has their own board, and a set of chess pieces representing their forces.
Pawn Try:
On each move the referee announces all possible captures that can be made with Pawns.
No move:
A "NO" move occurs when a player attempts to jump over an Opponent’s chessman, attempts to place their King in check or after a Pawn Try announcement, an attempt to capture is made with a Pawn where no Opponent’s chessman is located.
En Passant:
A Pawn attacking a square crossed by an enemy Pawn which has been advanced two squares in one move from its original square may capture this enemy Pawn as though the latter had moved only one square.
Dummy men:
Opponent’s forces are referred to as Dummy men since they are not your Opponent’s actual forces, but just represent where you think they are located.