StrategicEncounter TM (SE)

... a battle between the light and dark forces


  1. When first learning to play, don't be too concerned about the position of your Opponent's chessmen. Even experienced players have difficulty determining the movement of their Opponent's forces.

  2. Since the location of enemy Pawns is often unknown, be careful when moving into enemy territory. Remember, your Opponent will be alerted to your presence by the announcement of a “Pawn Try”. Click for example

  3. When advancing Pawns, you may accidentally give your Opponent a “Pawn Try”. Therefore, be prepared.  
  4. Remember, a “NO“ announcement means you are either attempting to jump over an enemy chessman, attempting to place your King in check or attempting to capture with a Pawn where no Opponent‘s chessman is located. Click for example

  5. In general, try to maintain your readiness by having your chessmen guard each other.

  6. When attacking, advancing, or probing, you may accidentally announce your presence by placing your Opponent in check. Therefore, be prepared. Click for example

  7. Coordinate your attacks by having more than one of your chessmen in position to attack. In a battle consisting of numerous captures, the player starting the attack will come out one piece or one Pawn ahead if they capture last.

  8. Remember, when advancing a Pawn two squares from its original position you may give your Opponent a “Pawn Try” as a result of an “en passant” move. See Appendix I for definition of “En Passant”. The events immediately following this can be very confusing if you fail to consider the possibility that an “en passant” has occurred. The figure to the right illustrates this situation. Click for example

  9. When your Opponent has a “Pawn Try” and captures one of your chessmen, place a Dummy Pawn at the capture location. This will remind you that an enemy Pawn may be at that location. Do not perform this procedure if it seems unlikely that the capture was made with a Pawn.

  10. When you capture an Opponent‘s man, remove a Dummy Pawn or piece from your board. This will allow you to keep an accurate count of your Opponent's forces. In many cases, it will be difficult to determine the type of piece (Queen, Rook, Bishop, or Knight) to remove. In this situation, just remove any piece. The exact type is not as important as keeping the correct piece count. Click for example