StrategicEncounter TM (SE)

... a battle between the light and dark forces

Start Playing-Basics


       Two complete sets of chesspieces are positioned on the chessboards as shown in Figure 2. Each set consists of 16 chesspieces representing your forces and 16 chesspieces representing your Opponent’s men. The Opponent’s forces are referred to as Dummy men since they are not your Opponent’s actual forces, but just represent where you think they are located. Like the figures on a battle map representing the enemies position. Again, one set represents your forces; while the other set represents the opposing forces as your think they may be on your Opponent’s board.

Figure 2. THE BATTLEFIELD. Two complete sets of chesspieces are positioned on each chessboard representing your forces and your Opponent’s forces. The Opponent’s forces are referred as Dummy men since they are not your Opponent’s actual forces, but just represent where you think they are located.